The legal notice

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Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH
Am Terminal 1c, A-8402 Werndorf
+43 (0) 3135 930 88

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Web design, search engine optimisation

nerath | internet, edv & social media
Peter Nerath
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Web hosting

Ansprechpartner: Dieter Biernat MSc

Disclaimer – Copyright

© 2023 Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH – All rights reserved.

The content of this website is protected by copyright. The content of this website may not be reproduced or processed, duplicated or disseminated in any form by means of electronic systems without the prior consent of the owner.

Links to external websites: This website contains links to external websites. Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH accepts no responsibility whatsoever for their content, data protection and links to other websites. The owners of these sites are solely responsible for their content.

The information published there need not necessarily reflect the opinion of the owner of this website.

Disclaimer: The owner of this website makes every effort to ensure that the information published is always up to date and correct, but accepts no responsibility or liability that the content is up to date and correct. In this respect, the owner of this website cannot be made liable for any damage whatsoever that may be caused by using the content.

Content of the online service

Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH always makes every effort to provide high-quality information. Nevertheless, we give no guarantee whatsoever that the information provided is up to date, correct, complete, of good quality or available.

Liability claims against the owner of this website relating to material or non-material damage caused by using or not using the information provided or by using incorrect and incomplete information are excluded, except in provable cases of wilful or gross negligence on the part of the owner. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH expressly reserves the right to change, add or delete parts of the pages or the complete offering or to cease publication temporarily or permanently without separate announcement.

References and links

If links make reference directly or indirectly to websites that are not within the responsibility of the owner, the owner shall only be liable if he was aware of the content and if it would have been technically possible and reasonable to prevent use in the case of unlawful content.

Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH expressly declares that no unlawful content was visible on the linked websites at the date of creating the links. The author has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or copyright of the linked websites.

The owner of these websites, and not the person making reference to the publication by means of links, shall be solely liable for any additional content, and particularly for any damage caused by using or not using information provided in this way. This restriction also applies to external entries in guestbooks and forums.

Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH uses links only to enable visitors to obtain further information. A link does not, however, imply a recommendation of the external websites or that their content is adopted as its own.

Lega l validity of disclaimer

This disclaimer is part of this internet offering, to which it makes reference. If any parts or wordings of the text do not or no longer conform to current legislation, in whole or in part, this shall not prejudice the content or validity of the remaining parts of the document.

Image copyright, credits

Photos © PR Mag. Trumler GmbH
Photos © Pachernegg

© 2023 Güterterminal Werndorf Projekt GmbH